Interview - Tamlyn Samuel

Interview - Tamlyn Samuel

Welcome Tamlyn Samuel to our series "Ladies who Love Linen"!

At Costa Vita Purolino, our ethos is about nurturing women of all shapes and sizes in order to bring out their best most confident self. Linen is a luxurious natural fibre for classic pieces that never date. 

We are excited to meet with some of our confident "Ladies who Love Linen" in Queensland.  Read on to find out a little more about our ladies share their story with you.  

Tamlyn wears the Wrap Dress Maxi (currently on sale for 50% off.)

Q. Tell us what really makes you tick…gets you excited and ready to take on each day? 

My dream and passion was always to be a professional dancer 💃 and I lived that dream performing in London’s west end and on cruise ships where I met my Aussie husband and we emigrated to Australia to start a family! I love being fully self expressed and full of energy! I live in the positive and I’m full of gratitude for my life here in Noosa. 

Q. What have you found is your best secret styling tip over the years? 

Dressing for my body shape has been key! Once I stopped dancing 💃 my body changed and I’m passionate about clothes that highlight my waist and legs but hide my thighs lol 😆

Tamlyn wears the Lipari dress in Navy.

Q. What do you love most about linen?

I love how comfy linen is! It just flows so beautifully and always looks stylish. 

Q. What do you think is most important when it comes to Winter / trans-seasonal dressing?

Layering is the key! Especially here on the coast it can change so quickly so having something to throw on over or wear under is key. 

Q. What do you wish you could tell your 20 year old self about how to dress?

Trust your instinct in what looks good on you and own it! 

Tamyln wears the Bailey Linen Top Dress.

Q. How do you choose what colours to wear?

I had my colours done by a stylist which changed everything for me as I now don’t buy black as it’s too harsh for my skin type! I'm great in bold colours and pastels but now no wasted money 💰 buying the wrong colours that just don’t suit me. 

Q. What do you love about living in Noosa?

I love the sand being on my doorstep and the freedom to walk on the beach and be in nature! I love the warmth and the lifestyle of the coast 

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